Subscribe to free Trademark Alert email reminders - provided by Trademarks On Call, Inc. (TOC) - to stay current on all trademark developments. TOC conducts automated periodic checks of all trademarks before the U.S. Trademark Office and alerts subscribers when any status change is detected. Sign up to receive free alerts of status changes for your trademark or any other trademark or receive status alerts for specific Trademark Owners or Trademark Correspondents.

Trademark Status Alerts

Once filed with the U.S. Trademark Office, all trademark applications go through numerous stages before they become an officially registered trademark. Sign up to receive free status updates for your own trademark or any other trademark of interest. To Sign up for this Alert, click the orange "Free Status Alert" button and Create an Account by entering your email address and password or, if you already have an account, simply login.

Trademark Owner Alerts

For every trademark filed with the U.S. Trademark Office, the name of the owner of that trademark is recorded. Whether the owner is an individual or a company, it can be valuable to know an owner's trademark status. To Sign up for this Alert, click the orange "Free Owner Alert" button and Create an Account by entering your email address and password or, if you already have an account, simply login.

Trademark Correspondent Alerts

For every trademark filed with the U.S. Trademark Office, the name of the correspondent for that trademark is recorded. The correspondent is the person designated to receive all correspondence for that trademark, and is sometimes the trademark attorney representing the owner of the trademark. Since companies typically use the same correspondent for many of their trademarks, it can be valuable to know a correspondent's trademark status. To Sign up for this Alert, click the orange "Free Correspondent Alert" button and Create an Account by entering your email address and password or, if you already have an account, simply login.